Get more 5⭐reviews and watch your business grow 🚀

Win more customers and increase sales by increasing your postive reviews on major review and search platforms.

FREE 30 Day Trial

Win more customers and increase sales by increasing your postive reviews on major review and search platforms.

FREE 30 Day Trial

Get more 5⭐reviews on popular review platforms and watch your business grow 🚀

Positive Reviews =

More Customers 🚀

Get new positive reviews and easily manage the negative ones..

Get new reviews by inviting your customers to review you via customizable QR code, e-mail or SMS.
Protect your reputation with an optional system that captures dissatisfied customers, keeping negative feedback private.

Choose on which platforms you want to increase the number of positive reviews.


Responding to reviews is important, but can take time and is typically missed by businesses.

Using Watson you can easily view and respond to all reviews received on all of your review platforms, as soon as they are posted.

Watson is integrated with leading platforms (heres just a few) 👇

  • Use AI to monitor and reply to all of your reviews, in one easy to use dashboard

    Build stronger customer relationships and loyalty by thanking customers for their positive reviews.

    Our integrated AI allows for automatically generated replies to your customers, across all of your chosen review platforms.

    Respond to private negative feedback to regain your customers' trust, and figure out how to improve.

    Rank higher on Google Local search with more positive reviews

    Frequent and positive reviews are a key factor of Googles Local search algorithm.


    By receiving and responding to positive Google reviews, your business will climb Googles organic rankings, and more customer will find your business on Google search.

    Automatically display your reviews on your website and social media channels

    Got a new positive review you want to share on social media?

    Do it instantly using Watson, which at the click of a button will automatically create a branded post and share it to a social media platform of your choice!

    Also automatically share reviews on your website in an up-to-date widget, helping boost on-site conversions and credibility!

    "If your last review is more than  30 days old, your business is dead in search."


    At Watson's Dashboard 👇

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